The ANVR has been supporting travel entrepreneurs for nearly 60 years, driving the industry forward with expertise and innovation. The association has 270 members (travel companies), 500 Travel agencies (business and leisure), and 1000 independent Travel agents (including IATA agents) with a turnover of 10 billion. The objective of ANVR is to join forces to promote common socio-economic interests, to be a requested authority on business travel and tourism, and to offer solutions to social issues that are travel related. This gives ANVR a leading position as an organisation, both nationally and internationally, as a representative of the industry.
ANVR members work according to the ANVR Travel Terms and Conditions agreed with the Consumers’ Association. In addition, they adhere to the rules of the Travel Offers Advertising Code and are affiliated to a Guarantee Fund, giving the traveller good coverage in case of financial insolvency. Should something go wrong during the trip, the members are affiliated to the Stichting Calamiteitenfonds Reizen. With the ANVR Travel Guarantee, ANVR members offer certainty to travellers during a holiday or business trip.
#Carefree travel