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December 2009

BNL 16 Dec.09 – BARIN e-mail NEWS Letter

By Newsletters

(below a copy of the original BNL sent by email – with the exception of blue marked click on links, all other "click on" or "….read more>>" links are only operational in original email message)

16 December BARIN NEWS LETTER 2009
for our Industry Colleagues – Associates – Preferred Suppliers – Sponsors


I n v i t a t i o n for the traditional BARIN New Year Gathering
on Friday 15 January 2010 from 17 to 20.00 hrs.
hosted by the renowned SCHIPHOL HILTON’s Tantalizing Drinks & Grand Buffet Treat, for all BARIN -Members -their Management Assistants -Industry Colleagues -Associcates and -Sponsors invitees

BARIN Chairman New Year’s Address by Huib Gorter
and Special – Guest – Speaker ir. Camiel M.P.S. Eurlings
Minister of Transport, Public Works, and Water Management of The Netherlands

For regular updates on attending invitees click on BARIN New Year Gathering 2010

* The Ticket Tax, reduced to ZERO per July 2009, is to be abolished by tax law per budget year 2010 as submitted by the Dutch Government’s to the Dutch Houses of Parliament by means of their Governments Annual Budget 2010 presentation ( Miljoenen Nota) in autumn 2009 .

On 18 Nov.09 the Parliament House of Representatives approved the proposal; subsequently it requires Senate approval-confirmation.

*Subsequent to the AAS consultations with the airlines in Oct.09 AAS has reconfirmed to freeze the AAS charges as from April 2010, but leaves the option open to reconsider this decision as per AAS charges effective per Nov. 2010. In addition AAS committed to progress in taking further cost

-reduction and -efficiency measures, as well as measures to improve on accessibility and passenger service improvements to make AAS "the most preferred airport in Europe",

BARIN is of the opinion that this AAS approach is a very positive step in the right direction, and encourages AAS to implement more cost cutting and cost efficiency measures as soon as possible, in lieu with Dutch Government ( majority share holder of the Schiphol Group) support, in order to lower the AAS charges even further to a realistic competitive level.

* On 25 Nov.09 at the Dutch Aviation Group "Nederlandse Luchtvaart Agenda" symposium the Minister of Economic Affairs stated that Dutch Government reduction measures on Security and related costs will be announced in the early part of 2010.

* The ADRA NL-GcL NL (ADRA NL " Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation in The Netherlands"- "Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart Nederland") operates as per 1 July 2009 in accordance with the so-called "Reglement" as agreed by the prime stake holders BARIN and Consumentenbond on the basis of the explicit condition, as agreed with the Minister of Transport mr. C. Eurlings , BARIN, the Consumers Association "Consumentenbond" (Cobo) and the Foundation of Consumer Complaints Boards (FCCB) "Stichting Geschillencommissies voor Consumentenzaken" (SGC), that a subsequent speedy implementation in the EU member states has to be realised in order to assure a level playing field within the European Union. The parties involved therefore requested the Minister of Transport to do everything possible to realise such ADRA-EU committee.

Agreement on the required funding for the SGC (Foundation of Consumer Complaints Boards (FCCB) …read more>>) cost budget for the first operational ADRA-NL year, in accordance with the principal "Reglement" as stipulated by BARIN and Cobo, has been reached. The SGC performs the facilitating/executing role in The Netherlands for the ADRA NL, and is soliciting to perform the same implementation role for the other EU member states, as per the agreed perspective that an essential level playing field within the EU is to be required. The Dutch ADRA can be used as the "blue print" for implementation in the EU member states, once the ADRA NL has gained sufficient running experience in The Netherlands.

For background info we refer to the BARIN announcement placed on our website home page, section: "Publications"; click on: Geschillencommissie voor de luchtvaart in Nederland met een Europees perspectief , and the press release issued by the Ministry of Transport at the time of the before mentioned press conference. Or go to the Members Room section "BARIN Points of View" and click on: Min. of Transport Press Conf. on ADRA launch 24 Nov.08 and ADRA launch Pressconf. 24 Nov.08.

From the start it has also been made explicitly clear that the branch organisation BARIN does- and and can not dispose of financial funds in this respect, i.e. the realisation of the establishment and operation of this Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation Committee depends, among other 3rd party funding, predominantly on funding from an ADRA Levy of ten eurocents per applicable passenger, to be collected as from 1 April 2010 from the BARIN-member-airlines and non-BARIN member airlines directly registered for ADRA NL compliance with the SGC, by the Dutch airports for this purpose. The Foundation Financing ADRA NL ( Stichting Financiering Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart-SFCL) has been set up to administer the charges income for- and expenditures of the ADRA NL . This foundation will make sure that a fully transparent financial administration will be kept for this purpose. The Ministry of Transport (MoT) and Cobo have agreed to support this set up.

Furthermore, it is expected from the Dutch Government to use their maximum influence to give their effective support to ensure that non-BARIN members airlines, active in the Netherlands , will also will comply with the dispute settlement regime as set up by the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation Committee in the Netherlands. In that vein the Minister of Transport sent a letter on 9 November 2009 … more>> to all non-BARIN-member-airlines active in The Netherlands.

An informative Flyer in Dutch and English on the ADRA NL ……read more >>, will be produced in adequate numbers to be available for all airlines, for them to hand out to passengers who face occurrences in relation to the three EU Directives covered by the ADRA NL. Information on how, where, and as from when you can obtain this ADRA NL Flyer, will follow as soon as the Flyer has been printed and ready for distribution. The flyer on the ADRA NL will be available for airlines, Cobo, MoT, SGC, and ANVR for posting on websites, or/and to hand out to the consumer, when appropriate.

The special January BARIN General Assembly on 15 Jan.10 will focus on the ADRA NL, i.e. in cooperation with the MoT – SGC -Cobo, a full briefing session for all airline companies, BARIN and Non BARIN members active in The Netherlands, will be given in order to make sure that all will be/become aware of the merits to comply with the ADRA NL.

The first Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation Committee meeting will take place on 18 December 2009 and a further three ADRA-NL committee meetings are planned by the SGC in the first half of 2010.

An evaluation by the prime stakeholders BARIN and Cobo together with the MoT and SGC, as agreed by the Minister of Transport with the Dutch Parliament, will take place in January 2010.

* Decision on 19th Nov.09 by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) that widened the scope of the Denied Boarding Regulation 261/2004 (“the Regulation”) on the liability of airlines to pay compensation to passengers. The ECJ ruled that passengers on flights whose arrival at their final destination is delayed by three hours or more are entitled to statutory compensation, despite this not being provided for in the Regulation. The ruling has taken the whole industry by surprise and airlines are only beginning to comprehend its severity, and the financial implications of the decision for the industry are insurmountable.

On 8 Dec.09 C.E.O.s of leading airtravel industry companies in the UK have written a letter ….read more>> to the UK Secretary of State of Transport calling for immediate action and to rectify the situation, and therefor seeking UK Government support to achieve this objective.

On 14 Dec.09 IATA made the following statement:

– It is in everybody’s interest to operate on schedule
– Delays and cancellations are inconvenient for passengers and costly for airlines
– The opinion makes delays eligible for financial compensation
– This could add up to EUR 5 billion to industry costs annually
– For example, a three hour delay of an Airbus A319 could require compensation of up to EUR40,000
– It is an incentive that cannot deliver value
– Delays are often beyond the control of airline (weather, mechanical, air traffic congestion/strikes etc).
– Airlines will likely have to pass some additional cost to the passenger
– Operational delays and cancellations are a customer service issue
– In a competitive industry market discipline is a more effective tool than badly drafted, confusing and complex legislation
– The ECJ opinion is making this poorly drafted complex consumer protection legislation even worse
– The industry is examining legal options to challenge the opinion

* The prime ADRA NL stakeholders BARIN and the Consumentenbond have been asked whether there are any changes to be expected in relation to the 19 Nov.09 ECJ verdict re. the EUC Denied Boarding Regulation. There is no need for such consequently the following formal statement has been given by BARIN and Consumentenbond:
Desgevraagd zien BARIN en de Consumentenbond in de uitspraak van het Hof geen aanleiding noch noodzaak om het Reglement van de GcL NL aan te passen. Het is uiteindelijk de Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart als zodanig die moet bepalen of en in hoeverre de uitspraak van het Hof in daarvoor in aanmerking komende geschillen kan/moet meewegen. Zij zal dat doen binnen de kaders van het huidige reglement, dat is vastgesteld voor de Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart Nederland. Voorzitters en leden van de Geschillencommissie zijn volkomen onafhankelijk en onpartijdig. Overigens zal er in januari een evaluatie starten van de geschillencommissie, inclusief het reglement.

* The BARIN Weblog has been added to the BARIN website to accomodate public discussions on issues, concerning BARIN topics . The BARIN BLOG link is available on the website, pages " about BARIN" en "Publications"

Anyone who would like to voice a BARIN related opinion should send us a message and we will post such opinion for reaction/discussion in the BARIN BLOG. Don’t hesitate to make use of this tool and click on: BARIN BLOG . The "Feed" mode will keep you up to date on latest postings.
The BARIN weblog editor will monitor/screen reactions on its "relevant and proper" content. The editor-posting-screen-authority could result in posting refusals.
We invite BNL readers’ contribution , by reacting, commenting, and/or voicing points of view in the BARIN BLOG, or send your reactions or Point Of Views (POVs) to: and we post those in the BARIN BLOG .

*We welcome KPMG-Meijburg as appointed BARIN Preferred Supplier. Click on: preferred suppliers to obtain more information.

* To have a look at who is who in the BARIN -Executive Board -Steering Committees and -Working Groups click on: The BARIN Executive Board Members

* On all above mentioned subjects more details are available in the Members’ Room or in other sections of our website .

We wish you a wonderful festive season, and we are looking forward to raise glasses with you on a Prosperous 2010 at the BARIN New Year Gathering on 15 January in the Schiphol HILTON.

Press Review per 16 December 2009

Update latest press clippings and publications December/ November on the homepage, button "Publications".

Click on:

December – 2009
Halving Emissions by 2050 -Aviation Brings its Targets to Copenhagen
Luchtvaart dieper in verliezen – Koepelorganisatie Iata waarschuwt voor $ 5,6 mrd aan verliezen wereldwijd in 2010
US$5.6 Billion Loss Expected In 2010 Low Yields and Rising Costs Keep Industry in the Red
Hollandse Ster nieuwe topman Easyjet?
Piet Hein Debets per direct weg bij SGR
EasyJet CEO Harrison to resign
Bmi sells Heathrow slots as it plots recovery
Crisis in City raakt Rotterdam Airport
‘Rating’ Schiphol zet streep door superdividend
KLM en Garuda tekenen samenwerkingsovereenkomst
Bos: dit jaar geen superdividend Schiphol
Hoe nu verder met DBC-Verordening ? Vraagtekens bij uitspraak ECJ van 19 Nov09
TUI en MP stelen show op DAG-symposium
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol invests in expansion and quality
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol welcomes Emirates Airlines
What the new wave of direct connections could mean for airline-GDS relationships
Schiphol Smartgate Cargo kick off
TUI narrows full-year loss to £24 million
IATA: Industry profitable in third quarter but full-year prospects still bleak
SkyTeam voorzitter Leo van Wijk: China heeft onze prioriteit
Zakenreis: Top-25 Movers & Shakers in de Zakenreisbranche
IATA: Securing Aviation’s Future – Environment and Safety Top Priorities
Lichtpuntje in de luchtvaart

November – 2009
Court of Justice of the European Communities: Passengers whose flights are delayed may be entitled to compensation
bmi stopt met Amsterdam-Londen Heathrow
Irish Government Travel Tax Costs €482m, 3,000 Jobs & 1.2m Departing Passengers
Increases in Air Navigation Charges are a Slap in the Face for Airlines
TUI Nederland stevent af op beste bedrijfsresultaat in 13 jaar
easyJet demands legislation for cleaner aircraft
Commission updates the list of airlines banned from the European airspace
Easyjet zet eerste stap in luchtvrachtmarkt
Schiphol laat computer naaktbeelden bekijken
Luchtvaartsector wil niet weten van compensatiefonds voor gestrande passagiers
Miljoenen tegen vliegtuigherrie
‘COST-RECOVERY PRICING OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL MUST GO’ Airline crisis highlights ‘monopolistic’ practices, says AEA
Europeans have become less tolerant to aircraft noise, reports new EU-funded research project
Regulatory authorities report monitoring plans so far submitted cover nearly all aviation EU ETS emissions
European Parliament calls for more consumer protection from airline bankruptcy
Bmi announces fleet, route, job cuts
Martinair haalt jumbo’s uit woestijn
Bmi staakt routes van Heathrow naar Amsterdam en Brussel
Eurocontrol Unit Rate Proposals Unacceptable
Eurofly, Meridiana to merge, become Meridiana Fly
KLM operates first passenger biofuel test flight
AAPA blasts governments’ ‘unfair taxation’
KLM wil greep op vrijgevochten dochters Martinair en Transavia vergroten
Ryanair wil inchecken op vliegveld uitroeien
Vlucht vertraagd? Geld terug – Dat heeft het Europees Hof van Justitie bepaald
‘Bezem is door Europese luchtvaart gehaald’
EU citizens unaware of airline delays damages
ECJ rules airlines must compensate passengers on long-delayed flights
Ook vergoeding voor passagiers bij erg vertraagd vliegtuig
Air France-KLM schrapt 4.500 banen – Air France pakt oliehedging aan
Martinair: herinvoering business class
ACN Directeur Ben Radstaak "Blazen of Bouwen"
‘Niet alle vrachtvliegtuigen Air France-KLM met een rode staart’ – ‘Vrachtdivisie Air France-KLM op de schop’
NO END IN SIGHT TO AIRLINE CRISIS AS LATEST FIGURES SHOW NO SIGNS OF RECOVERY – AEA calls for stakeholder summit to create conditions necessary for recovery
Air France KLM continues to cut costs as loss narrows
’Zonder ingrijpen Brussel stort deel luchtvaart in’
Europese luchtvaart consolideert: wie hoort bij wie?
Governments Sign Principles for Liberalization-Historic Achievement
Nieuwe, Unieke en Gratis, Service Beschikbaar voor Luchtvaartmaatschappijen op Schiphol en Zaventem.
Vliegvakanties lijden meest onder crisis
European airports report on crisis fallout, renew call for competitive relief measures
BA, Iberia reach merger MOU; BA to control 55%, Walsh to be CEO
Uitstel voor uitbouw van Schipholhal
Afschaffen vliegtaks maakt Schiphol aantrekkelijker
Nieuwe aanval op Schiphol
Pressure grows for JAL restructuring; AA to fightDL tie-up
Maastricht Aachen Airport (MAA) : nieuw vrachtrecord door komst AirBridgeCargo (ABC)
ACI: Airports urge government endorsement on climate change
‘Fiscus subsidieert Schiphol’
Akkoord over nieuwe betalingsregeling
KLM neemt BSP-afspraken op de schop
Computer neemt grenscontrole op Schiphol over
Wie heeft het beste idee voor de toekomst van de luchtvaart
Arnold Burlage met pensioen; Benno Baksteen wuift hem uit & PUNT

For more pressclippings on industry topics… read more>>
For “BARIN Points of View” on industry issues & topics ….read more>>
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