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November 2008

Min. of Transport Press Conf. on ADRA launch 24 Nov.08

By Points of view

24 November 2008, Nieuwspoort The Hague – Ministry of Transport (MoT) – Press Conference
MoT Pressrelease – Speeches BARIN Vice Chairman, Dutch Consumentenbond Director, Dutch Minister of Transport, and Vice President European Commission

24 November 2008
Air Transport Arbitration Board with a European perspective to be Established

BARIN (Board of Airline Representatives in the Netherlands) and the National Consumers’ Association have reached an agreement in principle about the establishment of an arbitration board for air transport. For passengers, the setting up of this arbitration board represents a low threshold, quick and inexpensive way to resolve disputes with airlines. The arbitration board is expected to take up its duties in the 2009 summer holiday season.

In April 2008, Minister Eurlings gave the air transport sector(members of BARIN) and consumer organizations the opportunity to maximally advocate passenger rights through self-regulation, as a well functioning system for settling disputes requires a proper support base in the sector. The Minister responded positively to the parties’ own solution: “In the Netherlands we are showing that together we can constructively solve the challenges facing air transport. Great gains have been made for both passengers and the sector.” The Minister no longer sees a need for bringing legislation into the procedure for setting up such arbitration boards.

The air transport arbitration board will fall under the Consumer Affairs Arbitration Boards Foundation. The parties will work out the exact composition of the arbitration board in the months ahead. The Minister supports a uniform arbitration procedure within the European Union and therefore regards the Dutch air transport arbitration board as a blueprint for possible future European arbitration boards.

Passengers may contact the arbitration board when, in their opinion, an airline has not complied with European regulations governing passengers’ rights. This could be, for example, when boarding is denied, when flights are cancelled, in case of long delays or when persons with physical disabilities encounter problems during a journey. In addition, the board will deal with complaints of passengers who have bought a ticket from an airline that is on the black list of the European Union.

For more information please contact
The Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management,
Karin van Rooijen,+31 ( 07) 035 17794
BARIN, Board of Airline Repersentatives In the Netherlands
Frank Allard, +31 (0) 23 5267 207
Consumers’ Association (Consumentenbond),
Sanne-Marije van Arend, +31 (07)044 54469

Le 24 novembre 2008
La commission du contentieux pour l’aviation civile avec un perspective Europien verra le jour

Le BARIN (Board of Airline Representatives in the Netherlands) et le Consumentenbond (union néerlandaise des consommateurs) ont trouvé un accord de principe sur l’instauration d’une commission du contentieux pour l’aviation civile. Pour les passagers, l’arrivée de cette commission signifie qu’ils pourront désormais résoudre leurs différends avec les compagnies aériennes dans le cadre d’une procédure accessible, rapide et économique.
L’objectif est de faire en sorte que cette commission du contentieux soit opérationnelle dès l’été 2009 afin que les consommateurs puissent déjà faire appel à ses services durant la haute saison.

En avril 2008, le ministre néerlandais des Transports Eurlings a donné l’occasion au secteur de l’aviation civile (rassemblé au sein du BARIN) et aux organisations de défense des consommateurs de défendre au maximum les droits des passagers par le moyen de l’autorégulation. Pour un traitement efficace des différends, le secteur a en effet besoin d’un consensus suffisamment large. La solution avancée par les parties a donc suscité une réaction positive de la part du ministre. « Nous montrons ainsi que nous sommes capables aux Pays-Bas de relever ensemble et de façon constructive les défis de l’aviation. Cette solution est extrêmement bénéfique tant pour les passagers que pour le secteur de l’aviation », a déclaré le ministre, qui ne voit plus aucune nécessité de légiférer pour instaurer une telle commission du contentieux.

La commission du contentieux est placée dans l’organisation de la Stichting Geschillencommissies voor Consumentenzaken (fondation des commissions du contentieux pour la défense des consommateurs). Les attributions exactes de la commission du contentieux seront précisées par les parties au cours des prochains mois. Le ministre plaide pour une procédure univoque de règlement des litiges au sein de l’Union européenne et considère donc la commission néerlandaise du contentieux dans l’aviation civile comme l’exemple sur lequel pourrait être calquée une future commission européenne du contentieux.

Les passagers peuvent s’adresser à la commission du contentieux lorsqu’ils estiment que les compagnies aériennes ne respectent pas les règles européennes relatives aux droits des passagers. Il s’agit ici des arrêtés sur le refus d’embarquement, les annulations ou les retards prolongés et les droits des handicapés ou des personnes dont la mobilité est limitée. La commission se penchera également sur les réclamations des passagers ayant acheté un billet d’une compagnie aérienne figurant sur la liste noire en Europe.

Short Statement by the BARIN Vice Chairman Bram Gräber at the occasion of the official signing by the BARIN Vice Chairman Bram Gräber and the Director of the Consumentenbond Felix Cohen of the agreement reached by BARIN ( Board of Airline Representatives In the Netherlands) and the Consumentenbond (Dutch Consumer Association) on the starting points for realising an alternative dispute resolution body for air travel, during a press gathering at Nieuwspoort-The Hague on 24 November 2008 at 11.30 hours, in the presence of the vice-president of the European Union Antonio Tajani, the minister Transport of The Netherlands Camiel Eurlings, Chairman of the BARIN Government Affairs Steering Committee Coen Waasdorp, and the Director Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport mrs. Ellen Bien

Excellencies, ladies and gentleman,

Speaking on behalf of the 77 airlines active in The Netherlands, united in the Board of Airline Representatives, it is with pleasure we present to you today the agreement we reached with the Dutch Consumer Association on the starting points for realising an alternative dispute resolution body for air travel. Although the agreement we present to you today it a typical Dutch product, the airlines active in the Netherlands, take this agreement as a first step of a European solution for passengers and airlines, to address their possible issues.

Allow me to explain on which factors this pleasure today is based. There are three key elements.

The first is described by the word clarity. In the field of air passengers’ rights we have been seeing in Europe and The Netherlands quite some controversy. Many opinions were expressed loudly, and in many cases high expectations were raised. By the agreement reached today we will come to a clearer, and for the air travelling consumer recognizable, body to address concerns with their rights. This is for cases they are not able to come to resolution with the airlines involved directly. This new clarity should solve some of the controversy mentioned, and is a good step forward for all directly involved; passengers, airlines and the legal system. We call upon the authorities to ensure the set-up will become applicable also for the non members of BARIN.

Second element of the agreement entails pragmatism and specificity for air travel taken into account.

As airlines offering operate in a very international context, and many regulations already exist, it is important to built a model for alternative dispute resolution that is both pragmatic and feasible, given, for example the fact only 4 out of 77 airlines in BARIN have their home base and head quarter in The Netherlands, and conditions of carriage in most cases apply worldwide per carrier. A focus on European regulations for air passenger’s rights and arbitration law as starting points, have helped to come to a sound and workable solution. We are happy this specificity was respected, leading to a customized set-up.

Third element is the stepping stone for a European solution. With arbitration law as its basis, clear definition of those eligible, and a scope entailing the European regulations for air travel, all design ingredients are provided to also have consumers in other European markets benefit from this form of alternative dispute resolution.
Next to this clear consumer interest, also for the airlines a level playing field, meaning the further extension of the ADRA to other European countries, is key. In this context we appreciate very much the symbolic setting of our session today, and especially the interest of Mr. Tajani, the EU commissioner for transport. We call upon all partners involved in the establishment of the solution for The Netherlands to continue to work on the extension beyond this market.

In conclusion. It was Confucius, who once said; a long journey starts with a first step. Although the strengthening of passenger rights is not a new journey, today in the Netherlands we make a first step in making, in a pragmatic way, progress in how passengers’ and airlines interact in addressing rights of passengers in a more appropriate way, throughout the complete European Union.

Thank you

Note for Editors:
The BARIN is the trade association for the civil air transportation in The Netherlands, and is one of the larger BAR’s in Europe, with 77 airlines in membership.
BARIN Objectives:
1. To encourage and promote, in The Netherlands and elsewhere, the interests of regular airlines engaged in the carriage of passengers and cargo to, from and within The Netherlands.
2. To represent the interests of the member airlines so that the best possible conditions for successful civil aviation in The Netherlands are created.
Our objectives are achieved by representing our members in dealings with many industry participants, including:
• Politicians
• Government Departments
• Regulators
• Airport Operators

Bezoek voor de volledige BARIN ledenlijst de BARIN website , knop “BARIN members” en voor meer informatie o.m. “BARIN Points of View” , knop “Members Room”
BARIN Media Relations, email , tel./sms: 023-5267207, fax.: 023 5265811
BARIN Woordvoering Frank Allard – Secretaris Generaal
BARIN Websites : . BARs in Europe
Key to abreviations:
ADRA = Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation
BARIN = Board of Airline Representatives In the Netherlands
BASC = BARIN ADRA Steering Committee

Speech Felix Cohen, Director Consumentenbond,
Press briefing ADR Air Passengers 24th November 2008

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

This is a great day for consumers, because we have reached an agreement that was hardly conceivable only a few years ago.

Let me explain this with an example. I remember a case of one of our members who booked a ticket to London to visit a musical with his new wife. Having arrived at the airport they found out that their flight was delayed and eventually cancelled. The next flight was later that night, but for our member that would be too late because he would miss the show. The airline only offered him some flowers and their apologies, but this could not wash away their disappointment and frustration.

The new European rules gave air passengers, amongst them our member and his wife, better rights in this situation. But, as the example shows, having rights is one thing, being able to realize them is another…

I believe the establishment of a Dutch Alternative Dispute Resolution-committee for air passengers makes it possible for consumers to realize their rights. Independently, easily, quickly and without high costs. That is a big step forward.

I would like to thank our minster of Transport Camiel Eurlings for his efforts to bring industry and consumers together. His family name starts with EU. That can’t be a coincidence, because he is a true European and will be an advocate for European Alternative Dispute Resolution for all European air passengers.

I would like to thank Mr Tajani for the attention the European Commission has paid to the position of the consumer.
I am convinced that a better market of air traffic starts with a strong position of the consumer. I hope the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee that will be established in the Netherlands will be a blueprint for a uniform European procedure. I am convinced that Commissioner Tajani and his colleague Ms Kuneva, at the post for consumer affairs, will support this procedure.

Finally I would like to thank the BARIN for their willingness to make progress and – eventually – to reach this result together.
The signing of the agreement in a few moments is an important milestone, but not the end of the road. I sincerely hope that very soon we can meet again to welcome the first European Alternative Dispute Resolution scheme for Air passengers.

Thank you.

Speaking notes Camiel Eurlings, Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, on the occasion of the conclusion of the agreement on an Air Transport Arbitration Board, in The Hague, on 24 November 2008

• I am very pleased that we have reached this milestone today, in the presence of Vice President Tajani of the European Commission.

• Your agreement has cleared the way for an independent air transport arbitration board in the Netherlands. A board that will be supported by consumers and airlines together. The expectation is that from next summer passengers from the Netherlands will be able to take their complaints to this arbitration board. Quickly, easily and without great expense.

• I am especially happy about this result because I am convinced that the interests of consumers are best served by an initiative that comes from the actual parties involved. This means that there is a real support base in the sector to safeguard the interests of consumers.

• This arbitration board is a good example of self-regulation. It is also a good example of thinking ahead.

• Our goal is to establish a uniform arbitration procedure for all citizens of the European Union regardless of with which airline they fly. A procedure that is transparent, fair and efficient.

• That is why it means so much that Mr Tajani is in our midst today. Mr Tajani, as European Commissioner for Transport you represent the interests of the European air transport sector and of European air travellers. You stand for a level playing field: for equal opportunities and possibilities for everyone involved in international traffic within Europe.

• The Netherlands supports you in this ambition and we would like to make a concrete contribution. Our arbitration board is set up in such a way as to provide a blueprint for a future European arbitration board. I hope that this will come soon and I will promote its establishment to the full.

• The Netherlands is showing that it can record results. That we can make our air transport stronger and better as long as the parties involved sit down at the table and find constructive solutions together. I would like to wish consumers and airlines the best of luck with this excellent result!

• Together we are working towards improving the position of consumers in the air transport sector.

• Mr Tajani, our arbitration board is ‘Europe-proof’. But work still has to be done before all passengers in Europe will be able to use a single procedure. You will find the Netherlands at your side as you pursue your goal of creating more uniformity and clarity for air travellers. We are ‘ready for take-off’.

Speech Antonio Tajani Vice-President of the European Commission at the Presentation of the National Civil Aviation Arbitration Board of the Netherlands, during the Vice-President Tajani’s official visit to the Netherlands in The Hague, on 24 November 2008

Les transports sont indissociables de notre quotidien: ils fournissent un emploi à des millions de personnes, nous permettent de répondre à nos besoins jour après jour et nous emmènent vers nos vacances. À mesure que les responsabilités de l’UE mûrissent et s’étoffent, les citoyens attendent davantage des institutions européennes.
J’ai fait de la protection des droits des passagers une des priorités de mon mandat. Cette priorité se traduit sur deux volets:
a) assurer que la legislation déjà en vigeur pour les secteurs aériens est respectée par les compagnies et qu’elle est appliquée correctement par les états membres.
b) puis élargir la protection dont les passagers aériens disposent déjà à la totalité des modes de transports, notamment maritime et coach.
Le but du règlement est premièrement de fournir aux passagers suffisament d’assistance et d’information sur place et au moment où l’interruption de leur voyage se produit, afin de les aider à arriver le plus rapidement possible et dans les meilleures conditions à leur destination.
Les compagnies aériennes et les administrations nationales, ont la responsabilité d’assurer l’ application correcte du règlement. Elles doivent faire de leur mieux pour assurer qu’en cas d’incidents, les passagers reçoivent l’information, l’assistance et les choix pour la continuation de leur voyage et ce d’une façon inmédiate et automatique.
C’est dans l’intêret des passagers, mais aussi des compagnies aériennes, de pouvoir disposer d’un moyen extra-judiciaire, non couteux et rapide, qui leur permette d’essayer de trouver une solution en cas de problèmes lors d’un trajet en avion.
Plusieurs Etats membres ont déjà mise en place un système qui permette au passager de s’addresser facilement à un organisme d’arbitrage. Ceci leur évite en principe d’avoir recours à un processus judiciaire quand ils n’arrivent pas à trouver satisfaction auprès de la compagnie. Je felicite les autorités néerlandaises d’avoir suivi aussi cette approche.
Il faut néanmoins rester attentifs. Le règlement exige aux autorités nationales de contrôle d’assurer non seulement le suivi des plaintes individuelles des passagers, mais l’application correcte du règlement par les compagnies aériennes.
Les accords volontaires passés entre les autorités nationales de contrôle ainsi qu’avec les compagnies aériennes semblent avoir amélioré la situation, mais il reste encore beaucoup à faire au niveau éuropéen pour garantir aux passagers, non seulement sur le papier, mais aussi en pratique, le même niveau de protection partout en Europe.
C’est pourquoi j’ai convoqué une réunion le 2 décembre à Bruxelles avec toutes les parties intéressées –compagnies aériennes, organisations des passagers, administrations en charge du contrôle-. J’ai aussi demandé la coopération des autorités nationales pour obtenir des données sur l’état de la situation.
Cette réunion et ces informations serviront de base à la Commission pour analyser l’état actuel de la situation par rapport à tous les droits des passagers aériens. Je proposerai au Collège d’adopter une Communication en 2009 qui reprendra les conclusions de cette analyse et le plan d’action futur de la Commission dans ce domaine.

Entretemps, nous devons tous, les institutions européennes et les administrations nationales de contrôle, nous efforcer de communiquer le plus efficacement possible sur notre action. Les informations sur les droits des passagers doivent être rendues plus accessibles à tous les citoyens européens pour leur expliquer l’importance de la politique des transports et de ses retombées sur leur quotidien.

BNL 24 Nov.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWS Letter

By Newsletters

BNL 24 Nov.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWS Letter for Industry Colleagues and Associates

* The first round of ADRA Working Group (BARIN and Consumentenbond) formal talks on setting up a European and National ADRA “Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation" ( Europese en Nationale Geschillen Commissie Luchtvaart),resulted on 4 November 2008 in the outlines of a joint – BARIN and Consumentenbond – draft principle agreement concerning the starting points for realising an Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation Committee (Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart) in the Netherlands, taking into account the explicit conditional need, as expressed by the Minister of Transport mr. C. Eurlings , BARIN, the Consumers Association and the SGC, that a consequential implementation in the EU member states has to be realised to guarantee a level playing field within the European Union. The parties involved therefore requested the Minister of Transport to do everything possible to realise such ADRA-EU committee.

On 12 November the BARIN General Assembly, after having been extensively briefed by the BASC, gave their approval on the before mentioned draft principle agreement concerning the starting points for realising an ADRA Committee in The Netherlands and subsequently in the EU. The Minister of Transport has been informed accordingly of this BARIN approval. The Ministry of Transport, in reaction has complimented both parties with the results reached at this stage, but has also asked for a further meeting to discuss a number of items, such as the required funding arrangements. Subsequent discussions resulted on 21 November 2008 in an agreement of understanding between BARIN and the Ministry of Transport.

The Association of Consumer Complaints Boards (ACCB) has agreed to the principal starting points realising an ADRA NL and EU, as submitted by BARIN and the Consumentenbond. In January 2009 the SGC will have a detailed plan available in which they present their proposals on how they will be able to accommodate, in a facilitating/executing role and on the basis of a European perspective, the Dutch ADRA; to be used as an adequate "blue print" for implementation in the EU member states, once the ADRA has been established in The Netherlands. The ACCB indicates to be ready for operation by the Summer Season in 2009.

At a Ministry of Transport press conference in Nieuwspoort – The Hague on 24 November 11.30 hours, the formal signing of the principle agreement by the BARIN Vice Chairman Bram Gräber and the Managing Director of the Consumentenbond Felix Cohen will take place, in presence of the Minister of Transport Camiel Eurlings, the Vice President of the European Union Antonio Tajani, the Chairman of the BARIN Government Affairs Steering Committee Coen Waasdorp, and the Director Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport Ellen Bien. A BARIN announcement has been placed on our website home page, section: "Publications"; click on: Geschillencommissie voor de luchtvaart in Nederland met een Europees perspectief , and a press release will be issued by the Ministry of Transport at the time of the before mentioned press conference.

* BARIN and KLM have decided to lodge a formal complaint at the NMa (Dutch Competition Authority) in respect to the AAS airport charges setting per April 2009.

*On the BARIN and SAOC recommendations for a principal change of the AAS consultation process a meeting on Schiphol Group Executive Board level will take place on 4 December.

Press Review per 23 November 2008

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ATN interview Daniel Calleja, Director Air Transport Directorate – European Commission
Nationaal vliegverbod, maar niet op zwarte EU-lijst
Akkoord bereikt over Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart
’Einde’ aan naheffing vliegbrandstof
KLM-topman jaloers op Belgen wegens afschaffing vliegbelasting
Zes landen werken samen aan efficiënter luchtverkeer
Minder vliegtaks binnen dan begroot door de het Ministerie van Financien
‘Geschillencommissie luchtvaart vanaf zomer 2009’
Ryanair staakt vluchten Maastricht om vliegtax
Geschillencommissie voor de luchtvaart in Nederland met een Europees perspectief
AEA warns environmental regulations threaten airlines’ ‘sustainability’
easyJet profit plunges as boardroom tension rises
Bush: Government should ‘make airlines more accountable’
Voorstel emissiehandel EU stap te ver
Europe’s Environmental Challenge Single European Sky by 2012
AEA wil geen emissiehandel zonder één luchtruim
Europees informatiepunt rechten vliegtuigpassagiers
easyJet wins High Court review of Gatwick Airport charges

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Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart met Europees perspectief

By Points of view

Geschillencommissie voor de luchtvaart in Nederland met een Europees perspectief

De B.A.R.I.N. – Board of Airline Representatives In the Netherlands en de Consumentenbond hebben een principe overeenstemming op hoofdlijnen bereikt aangaande de uitgangspunten voor het realiseren van een geschillencommissie voor de luchtvaart in Nederland, waarbij rekening is gehouden met de uitdrukkelijke conditionele noodzaak, door de BARIN en Consumentenbond en met ondersteuning van de Stichting Geschillencommisies voor consumenten zaken, aangegeven dat een voortvarend daar op volgende implementatie in de EU lid staten ter borging van een gelijk speelveld ( Level Playing Field) in de Europese Unie, zal worden gerealiseerd.

De Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart zal dan ook een blauwdruk vormen voor een Europese evenknie, met een uniforme geschillenprocedure voor alle EU-burgers ‘ongeachtvan of naar welke lidstaat men vliegt’. Daarom moet de nationale commissie ‘Europa-proof’ worden gemaakt

De minister zet zich in voor een dergelijke eenduidige geschillenprocedure binnen de Europese Unie en zal dan ook de Nederlandse geschillencommissie luchtvaart als blauwdruk voor een toekomstige Europese geschillencommissie, bepleiten bij zijn EU collega ministers.

Voor passagiers betekent de komst van deze geschillencommissie een laagdrempelige, snelle en goedkope manier om geschillen met luchtvaartmaatschappijen op te lossen.

De ondertekening van het principe akkoord zal door de Vice Voorzitter van de B.A.R.I.N. Bram Gräber en de directeur van de Consumentenbond Felix Cohen op 24 november om 11.30 uur in Nieuwspoort te Den Haag plaats vinden, in aanwezigheid van de Vice-President van de Europese Unie Antonio Tajani, de Minister van Verkeer en Waterstaat Camiel Eurlings, de Voorzitter van de BARIN Governments Affairs Steering Committee Coen Waasdorp en de Directeur Luchtvaart van het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat Ellen Bien.

Minister Eurlings heeft in april 2008 de luchtvaartmaatschappijen verenigd in de B.A.R.I.N. en de Consumentenbond de gelegenheid gegeven om door middel van zelfregulering passagiersrechten maximaal te behartigen. Voor een goedwerkende geschillenbeslechting is immers voldoende draagvlak in de sector nodig.
De minister reageert dan ook positief op de eigen oplossing van de partijen: “In Nederland laten we zien dat we de uitdagingen in de luchtvaart gezamenlijk constructief kunnen oplossen. Voor zowel de passagiers als de sector is hier een grote winst behaald”.
De minister ziet dan ook geen noodzaak meer om wetgeving in de procedure brengen om een dergelijke geschillencommissie op te richten.

De Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart wordt ondergebracht bij de Stichting Geschillencommissies voor Consumentenzaken, die binnen haar organisatie ook de mogelijkheden ziet deze geschillencommissie voor de EU lidstaten in te kunnen richten.
De precieze invulling van de geschillencommissie wordt door de BARIN, de Consumentenbond en de Stichting Geschillencommissies voor Consumenten zaken in de komende maanden uitgewerkt.
Naar verwachting zal deze geschillencommissie voor het zomerseizoen van 2009 haar werkzaamheden starten zodat consumenten al in het hoogseizoen hier met hun geschillen terecht kunnen

Passagiers kunnen zich tot de geschillencommissie richten wanneer zij van mening zijn dat de luchtvaartmaatschappijen de Europese verordeningen over passagiersrechten niet nakomen.
Hierbij kan onder andere gedacht worden aan instapweigering en annulering of langdurige vertraging van vluchten.
Maar ook als personen met lichamelijke beperkingen problemen ondervinden tijdens hun reis.
Tevens zal de commissie zich buigen over klachten van passagiers ten aanzien van de lijst van luchtvaart maatschappijen die binnen de Europese Unie geen vluchten mogen uitvoeren.

Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met de B.A.R.I.N. Secretaris Generaal, Frank Allard, tel. 023 5267207, fax. 023 5265811

BNL 17 Nov.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWS Letter

By Newsletters

17 November BARIN NEWS LETTER 2008 for members, industry colleagues, associates


* For the BARIN "in cassatie" appeal at the Dutch High Court against the Dutch State, ref. the verdict of the Court of the Hague regarding BARIN’s expedite appeal against the current Ticket Tax levy by the Dutch Government, required substantiation has been provided to the Court for a forthcoming Court Hearing. Date for such a hearing not yet determined, and will be expected early next year.

* The first round of ADRA Working Group (BARIN and Consumentenbond) formal talks on setting up a European and National ADRA “Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation" ( Europeese en Nationale Geschillen Commissie Luchtvaart), chaired by SER (Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands) “Coordinatiegroep Zelfreguleringsoverleg“ Prof. H. Snijders, has been completed on 29 October .

The delegations of the BARIN, the BARIN ADRA Steering Committee (BASC) and of the Consumers Association (Consumentenbond) have debated this issue extensively since September, under the close supervision of the SER and in consultation with the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards (SGC).

The objective is that these consultations reach consensus in formulating the outlines of a joint – BARIN and Consumentenbond – draft principle agreement concerning the starting points for realising an Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation Committee (Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart) in the Netherlands, taking into account the explicit conditional need, as expressed by the Minister of Transport mr. C. Eurlings , BARIN, the Consumers Association and the SGC, that a consequential implementation in the EU member states has subsequentially to be realised, in order to guarantee a level playing field within the European Union. The parties involved therefore will consequentially request the Minister of Transport to do everything possible to realise such ADRA-EU Committee.

On 12 November the BARIN General Assembly has extensively been briefed by the BASC on the latest developments on these formal talks, to come to the intention of a draft principle agreement concerning the starting points for realising an ADRA Committee in The Netherlands and subsequently in the EU. Thereafter the Minister of Transport has been informed on these developments and his Ministry has called for a meeting for detailed discussions on various items in releation to this intention to come to such draft principle agreement. This meeting will take place shortly.

The Association of Consumer Complaints Boards (ACCB) has agreed to this approach to come to these starting points in order to realise an ADRA NL and EU, as to be determined by BARIN and the Consumentbond, and it will than be up to the SGC to work out a proposal to facilitate and operate, with a European perspective, the Dutch ADRA Committee; to be used as an adequate "blue print" for implementation in the EU member states, once the ADRA has been established in The Netherlands. The ACCB indicates to be ready for operation by the Summer Season in 2009, if agreement has been reached among the key players, i.e. BARIN and the Consumentenbond, within this year.

* AAS Consultations on airport charges setting per April 2009 have taken place late September.
A formal letter of serious concern and urging recommendations for a principal change of the AAS consultation process has been send by BARIN and SAOC to the Board of the Schiphol Group(SG). A reply has, in the meantime, been received from the SG, which will be discussed in the ACG (airlines sector) meeting on 17 November. For a further follow up a meeting, at SG – BARIN- and SAOC Board level, will take place on 4 December.

*ANVR and BARIN evaluated the Code of Conduct Air Travel Offerings ( Code Reisaanbiedingen), which has been in force for over one year. As a result of the evaluation findings some adjustments have been made and were presented to the November BGA, and were approved. The plan is that the amended Code, after consensus with the Advertising Code Authority and the other parties involved, will go into effect per 2009.

Press Review per 17 November 2008

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Schiphol haalt 700 miljoen euro op
Schiphol platforms richten nieuwe vereniging op
’SCHIPHOL PROOI BUREAUCRATIE’ – Afscheid in mineur voor luchthaven-baas GERLACH CERFONTAINE – „Vliegtaks had nooit ingevoerd mogen worden”
EC: Alitalia must repay €300 million loan; sale to CAI approved
Austrian chooses Lufthansa
Ryanair Appeals 8 EU Decisions and Exposes Commission Bias
Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou – Share Transaction and Request for Appointment of two new Directors to the Board of easyJet plc
In 2 weeks 35,997 persons signed petition against Belgian government ticket tax plan
Vliegtaks duwt prijsvechter Transavia verder grens over
Airlines welcome decision by Belgian Government to drop proposals for an airline passenger tax
Belgian Government’s decision to drop its plans for an air ticket tax
Invoering vliegtaks in België gaat niet door
EU-verplichting all-in ticketprijzen van kracht
Alitalia investor targets Dec. 1 re-launch
Merged Delta unveils senior officer lineup
EU’s ‘third package’ takes effect, requires price transparency
Price transparency and improved safety: more competition and better quality for the air transport sector
Air Transport Association Chief Executive Says European Aviation Emissions Trading Scheme ‘Contrary to International Law and Bad Policy’
Kritiek op toeslagen
‘EasyJet laat zich niet van Schiphol wegjagen’
Falling demand, Iceland financial crisis claim Sterling
Lufthansa to take over bmi as Bishop cashes out
Delta-Northwest complete merger as DOJ gives okay
Vliegprogramma Weeze uitgebreid met 16 nieuwe bestemmingen
Alarming Drop for September International Traffic
IATA Blasts EU ETS Decision
Flying public faces biggest ever tax due to closed-door compromise on Emissions Trading
UFTAA en de nieuwe vliegtaks in Belgie
‘Geschillencommissie luchtvaart vanaf zomer 2009 van start.
P. Riemens benoemd tot waarnemend bestuursvoorzitter LVNL
ACI EUROPE condemns Belgian and Irish governments’ decision to introduce air passenger taxes
Belgian and Irish announcements of new passenger departure taxes lead to airline industry anger
ADP, Schiphol to form wide-ranging alliance, create ‘dual hub’
Website handtekeningen aktie tegen Belgische regeringsplan invoering Vliegbelasting heffing
Aéroports de Paris and Schiphol Group to create a leading global alliance in the airport industry
KLM-topman somber over Europese luchtvaart
Duits vliegveld floreert bij onze vliegtaks
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol to expand share in Brisbane Airport
Ticket Tax Will Damage Tourism and Devastate Shannon Says Ryanair
World Low Cost Airlines Congress 2008
Collective Madness – Travellers to Help Bail Out Bankers with New Departure Taxes
België wil ook vliegtaks invoeren
BARIN legt vliegtaks voor aan Hoge Raad
IATA unveils environment display at Schiphol Airport
No Stops to Sustainable Development in the Airline Industry – IATA-BARIN-KLM-AAS call for the right business climate to achieve sustainability
Evironment Vote adds € 6 million a year to average regional airline – says ERA
Airlines boos over voorgestelde EHS-wijzigingen
AirBridge Cargo verbindt Maastricht met Moskou en Shanghai
’Concurrentiepositie in gevaar als groei uitblijft’ – Topbedrijven willen klaarheid Schiphol

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